Banner van De Agile Testers

Workshop Next Level Agile Quality for Teams

Scrum is mainstream. Nowadays, every IT company works with Scrum or introduces it. Responding to changing requirements and close cooperation with the customer is crucial, andScrym is the ideal step to do this in an Agile(flexible) way. Benefits include: quick feedbak, shorter time-to-market, lower costs and focused delivery of working and tested products. Who doesn’t want that?

However, it can be difficult for teams to implement this because how exactly do you fill it in and are you aware that you have to do it together as a team or are you at a point where you feel that you can no longer speed up because you have reached your maximum speed?

This workshop has been developed for those teams to make you aware of your own constraincs on a number of points and help you take the next big step.

Theoretical pieces and exercises to see this theory work in practice are merged in this workshop.

For whom

For teams that wants to deliver in shorter time better software, but have difficulty in accelatering further because the run into a number of limiations.

Needed knowledge

Acquaintance with Agile principles.


The workshop consists of three parts in which ‘teamsports’, ‘instant feedback’ and ‘Explore and Learn’ are discussed. Each topic discussed consists of interactive theory with discussion and a practical exercise.

Location and number of participants

The training is provided at your location. It is a condition that a complete team participates (scrum team, kanban team,….)


4-hour workshop: € 1000 excl. VAT

To the overview

Patrick van Enkhuijzen
[email protected]